Semi Private Training

Guaranteed small session numbers so you never get lost.. you’re not just a number with us!

Benefits of Semi Private Training..

  • Personal Attention

    All sessions are led by our qualified coaches, and with classes kept to a maximum of 10 ppl, you never get lost.

  • Affordable

    From as little as $11 per class, it's a no brainer to get started today! The most affordable training you will receive with maximum results!

  • Community focused

    Be part of a fun, supportive and accountable team who push you at every session to reach your goals. It's not a co-incidence people stay with us for so long...

Check out our timetable..

Get Started for only $65 Per Week

  • Unlimited Classes per week

  • Bookings are essential 

  • Classes are limited to 10 participants

All sessions are paid upfront or via direct debit with a minimum 12 week commitment 

BONUS: 1 x 30 min Private Training Session when you begin!

Session Descriptions

  • Metafit is the original 30 minute metabolic workout that just keeps working! Metafit is a thirty minute ‘High Intensity Interval Training’ (HIIT) bodyweight class. It is designed to boost your metabolism so you continue to burn calories (yes, those pesky ‘excess energy’ (fat) calories we all have) for up to 24 hours after the session. Metafit is suitable for all fitness levels and all age groups as all you need to do is put in YOUR maximum effort.

  • Metapwr is a 30-minute, metabolic resistance workout, combining bodyweight and weighted compound exercises with little rest to maximize calorie burn and increase the metabolic rate during and after the workout.  The class focuses purely on strength work and includes ropes, kettlebells, sleds, sandbags and slam balls

  • A class that focuses on all the areas we are constantly trying to improve. This is a great workout for those looking to increase flexibility, increase tone, and even improve muscle imbalances around the pelvis and spine.

  • This training session is aimed at increasing your muscle strength, from bodyweight to progressive overload technqiues using dumbells, kettlebells, weight vests, etc.. all performed in a safe, monitored setting.

  • Viv creates a safe, welcoming and friendly environment for “Baby Boomer” exercisers to learn about their body through simple exercise classes. Jump in on this class if you haven't exercised in a while, need some technique correction, are not confident exercising alone, or are just trying to get back into a regime.

    This class is ideal for those who are a little apprehensive with exercise, not keen on gyms or complicated exercise routines, and those who would like to be supported through a moderate, fully supervised regime that will keep them confident, fit and strong for life. 

  • An exclusive Group Exercise Physiology Class Running in the Private Fitness Studio. Designed specifically for those suffering from conditions limiting them from normal gym activities or limited daily activities. The program is designed and supervised by our resident Exercise Scientist, Lorenzo

  • Join our Super Saturday class that's a total body workout, designed for you to go at your own pace. It's not like any other class on the timetable and changes every week! Challenge yourself to complete the session in the 45 minute time frame, you're guaranteed to feel amazing at the end!